Best Review Of Octane 2019 From Brendan Mace And Jono Armstrong

Introduction to Best Review of Octane 2019

Review Of Octane 2019

How can you optimize your use of YouTube and generate traffic for your website that can lead ultimately to optimisation of your sales? 

If you are asking yourself that, then rest assured this Best Review Of Octane 2019 is for you to read. Octane is one of the few new software packages that we have found to be really productive because it is a totally new approach to content and traffic generation. 

Octane software is developed by a group of successful and experienced internet marketers who foresaw the need to help customers to boost sales for their businesses, particularly in helping to raise traffic for their YouTube account. This review in an overview focuses on the Octane product, the authors who created it, the advantage and disadvantages as well as the pricing options. Just like in Optimization is done for content in Search Engines, so does Octane optimise videos.  


2. Who Are The Authors of Octane

The authors of Octane are three members of a successful software development team consisting of Brendan Mace, Victory Akpomedaye and Jono Armstrong. These are the master-minds behind this revolutionary software that will change how marketers handle their work in ways more than one. Jono, Brendan, and Victory and their team have had success over the years working on varied products, mostly online marketing targetted. Some of their previous software products include; Adsmartly and VidZio.The purpose for the creation of this Octane software by the authors is to make sure you get an opportunity to expand your business and get money or returns as fast as possible. Jono Armstrong explains this intent in an introductory video to the cloud-based Software; Octane and describes how it scans video for YouTube and generates content for you that is entirely new and vibrant.

3. What Exactly Does Octane Do?

After (virtually) meeting the authors of the Octane product, so the question that everyone has on their mind now is, what exactly does Octane do and how does it work? In a nutshell, the software program makes or gives you suggestions for keywords to be used in your video and for you customize them to fit your business aim.

The creators of Octane have decided to use an introduction video to explain the functionality of their software. Why video you may ask? Because, it is the marketers´ best way to communicate their intent to their audience, and thanks to YouTube software application, it is easier now to watch and learn quickly about any new product in the market or a new service to be offered, much better than written text alone. Very effective communication!

 After the keyword considerations are complete, Octane uploads the already created video to YouTube for your viewers as a live stream.  Octane is an application that is entirely cloud-based and whose purpose is to help in generating free traffic toward YouTubeOctane is good for beginners who do not know how to create content on their own and are struggling to make their business stand out in the market.  Octane does several tasks all in one. It eliminates:

• The need to start the creation of videos, from scratch,

• The need to guess how your return will be monetized.

• The need to pay to generate traffic for your business.

Using Octane has proved to be easy as it helps reduce a lot of tasks for Internet Marketers and breakdown a lot of responsibility to the preferences a user may need. It gives the tutorial for an example video such that you have downloaded.

In merely three clicks, anyone can make money with it. These three clicks amount to the three steps that are to be followed and voila! You are officially ready to use Octane.The training on how to use the software is included in that there are options varied from easy going to medium and also advanced training for users who have been interacting with software for a long time or have a wide range of tasks to do about their business of choice.

The Octane Software is for generating video for YouTube Production while using content that already is in existence. The software is downloaded ads installed to be ready for use. Octane software has a menu that helps in navigation. It Includes:

My Videos: This segment has the edited and unedited videos selection that you can use. My Videos has the share section where it allows for sharing to threads to your social media sites and other platforms.

Dashboard: This menu has a glimpse one’s work, one that has been done or in progress.

Video Editor: it consists of the actual activity that Octane offers. There is the download a video section, editing feature as well as the send command feature.The video editor has the following steps:

1. Selecting a video. You get options to choose from your file desk, Octane library as well as YouTube. You also set the duration length for the video during the editing process.

2. Once, a video is downloaded from YouTube; You can run a check if it is permissible to be used again. If allowed, then pick the URL of the permitted video. The creative commons tag helps you determine the suitability of a video.

3. After uploading, Octane then proceeds to edit the video by adding your preferences.

4. Settings: this is the main feature in any program.

The Octane dashboard has an opening criterion for A YouTube Account that has a live feature.

The training is very comprehensive and shows you every feature and function:

For a beginner, there are pictures of illustrations on how to handle this segment. It is where you add the channel that requires you to configure it with live streaming settings. It will take up to 24 hours to await confirmation for the setup from YouTube’s approval system.

• After setting up the YouTube Channel, you will be required to link it to Octane software by following the indicated steps that will be displayed on your screen during the entire process. The whole process takes about 15 minutes to be complete.

Training: this segment consists of five essential features that highlight the advertising for the OTOS and the bonuses packages that accompany the Octane product. All you have to do is get access by logging in using your details:

1. There is a “How To use Octane “guide. It also tackles the inclusion of Google API. Jono Armstrong explains in depth exactly how to get to this using screenshots for illustration and video.

2. Profit Training. There are lessons here that show how one can benefit monetary wise from Octane program. It expounds on the ClickBank feature products to the most challenging steps. That means from beginners’ level to advanced level users are catered for.

3. Additional features embedded in the program. Jono Armstrong gives the other products that Octane can fuse with. These include; short story making, Creation of a GIF, making the video for promoting businesses.

4. The bonuses 1, 2,3: These are necessarily the tips and tricks in landing good traffic and at the very top of the list is how to maximize the use of YouTube and benefit from it.:-Ø YouTube ranking courses- you get to know how to be ranked top in YouTube searches with a fee charged.

Ø Launch jacking: – it ignores all the mumbo jumbo of the promotional ads and skips to a 10 lesson plan to get to the specifics of getting f free products advertisements.Ø Fuego multiplayer account- this is also a bonus course that will boost your understanding of the whole octane and the dynamics of what is involved.

• Support: The support category like the name suggests is there to help you. Whenever you have a question, or you have encountered a problem. You send an email that will take up to 24 hours to get a response.This review looks into how the Octane program developers have explained the program to its users and to anyone who is interested in scaling their online marketing strategy to the next level.

Octane has a Social Media Share feature that is synched to Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and YouTube that allows for sharing across the chosen Social Media  platforms. Octane will enable you to maximize and make profits through thorough training and application of the lessons and methods taught. The video that you upload is given a ranking in Google, therefore, helping in the generation of traffic towards your content.

4. What Are The Pros And Cons Of Octane?

The pros and cons of why you should buy or why you should consider not buying it. Here is a breakdown of the features, benefits and disbenefits of the Octane software product.

Pros Of Octane:

Here is why you will need Octane software product now:

  • it  is user-friendly; 
  • It is suitable for beginners and it is easy to understand and master as well.
  • It has the option for generating free instant content meaning it is not bulky and loaded with additional texts.
  • It has a free traffic inbuilt feature.
  • It requires little money for your YouTube video.
  • It gives a user guaranteed 30-day money back.
  • It has an editing feature that allows you to edit your videos before any actual upload.
  • One can post unlimited videos with Octane Pro.
  • It is 100% ethical and legal. There is no need to worry about forged or stolen content.

Cons of Octane:

  • To process videos take some time.
  • You will need to subscribe to the OTO1 to unlimited use
  • To stream live is difficult.

5. What Are The Price Options For Octane?

The price option for Octane comes in four packages named OTOs;

  • OTO 1, Octane Pro:This has a one-time payment option where you post unlimited videos. One month has a limit of up to 15 videos. The fee is at $ 37.
  • OTO 2, Limitless Traffic:  This has an email list option for those users who will subscribe to the Octane program. You even do not risk losing the subscribers you already have. The fee for this package is $197.
  • OTO 3, $1000 Commission Solution: The offer for this is also $197 one-time payment method. This version is a complete set up for a user, which means no need to set up, so the only thing to do is narrow your focus traffic and sales for your business video. You get the option for using video ads for a $1000 ticket.
  • OTO 4, Resale Rights: Going at a rate of $ 97. This price option gives you the legitimate license and full access to resell the Octane software yourself.

Octane comes with three secret weapons packed as Bonuses. These bonuses are known to boost the marketing task faster and have been known to be providing the following:
• Helps to multiply the free traffic you get.
• Enables one to explore several multi-billion sites that have a traffic influx depending on your target. It eliminates the need to have to pay for an advertisement in the high platforms.
• It has an alternative way to produce fast results by essentially enabling a user to cash in on the already easy and simple successful model of business currently thriving in the market.
 An indication, that not only is Octane software here to help boost your business, but also it has the best options available and ready for the clients use. The only thing to do is pick your choice of the bonus package depending on the need, objective and goals for your business.

6. Are There Testimonials for Octane?

Indeed, there have already been testimonials from  users who have had the experience of Using Octane for the first time, and they have great things to say.  Users have tried, and some believe that it is the best software application experience that has happened to them. The fact that content for their video is generated for them is a plus.

Here is a testimonial from Dave FinReviews:

Here is another testimonial from Robin Palmer Marketing:

Here is another review from Internet Marketing Nomad:


7. Conclusions and Recommendations For Best Review Of Octane 2019

This Best Review of Octane 2019 software and how incredible it is for its users. 

 Whether your niche in marketing is directed toward social media, online business, digital marketing as well as affiliate marketing in any other niche you can use Octane to benefit your business.

Octane will be your best time saver whenever you need it.


In conclusion, Octane is the best choice if one is looking for a more productive way to handle your video marketing strategy.

Review Of Octane 2019

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