Best Review of NewsProfixPro by Mosh Bari & Jason Fulton

Introduction to Best Review Of NewsProfixPro From Mosh Bari And Jason Fulton

Our Best Review Of NewsProfixPro from Mosh Bari and Jason Fulton, review the innovative software which gathers information from news articles from many different online news sources, and adapts them for your own news site. You can monetise your site and gain affiliate revenues from eBay and Amazon for products which are linked to the news stories.

One of the upsells allows you to identify trends, and to sell products associated with these trends. There are several different versions and upsells on offer from which you can choose within your available budget and to suit the aims of your business niche.

Who Are Mosh Bari And Jason Fulton?

Mosh Bari and Jason Fulton are both highly successful product sellers, from Australia, with a long track record of successful products behind them.

What Exactly Is Review of NewsProfixPro And What Does It Do?

Review of NewsProfixPro is a content aggregation software which seeks and identifies news articles from different news sources, and re-directs the content to your own site, depending on which niche you set up your site for, and which sources you identify for the news articles. So you have your own news feed is constantly updated.

For example, if you specify a business niche, then you could identify Bloomberg or Wall Street Journal, or New York Times as sources for your business related articles.

There are other more general news sources such as BBC or CNN, which you may choose to ignore for your niche.

The software tracks your chosen news sources and creates articles which are in your chosen niche, so you will get visitors to your sites as a result of their interest in your chosen niche. The content is continually being updated as news happens.

The software will also display advertisements from Amazon or eBay, which you can set up to run on autopilot.

Is Duplicate Content going to be a problem? That is a good question, but we think that Goole and other search engines will treat your site(s) as News sites, and so duplicate content is to be expected, and will not be penalised by the search engines.

How Much Is Review of NewsProfixPro And Where Can I Buy It?

The basic lite version of Review of NewsProfixPro is priced at $21, which includes a 10 site licence.

The Pro Version of the software is priced at $22.

There is an Unlimited Version which is priced at $67.

There is a 100x Your Sales And Profits version which is priced at $97.

This enables you to take advantage of trends in news, and associated products which you can market.

There is a Done For You version which gives you 20 pre-made sites for you to manage and operate, which is priced at $297.

There is a Super Traffic Generator which is priced at $77.

If you wish to purchase the License Rights to sell NewsProfixPro, then this will cost you $197.

Are There Testimonials For Review of NewsProfixPro?

This is a new product, but even so there are several testimonials for NewsProfixPro, and we have included some of them here, for your reference:

Here is a review from Jono Armstrong and Brendan Mace:

Here is a review from Dan Ashendorf:

Here is another review from Mike From Maine:

OMS Conclusion And Recommendation For Best Review Of NewsProfixPro From Mosh Bari And Jason Fulton

We concluded from our Best Review Of NewsProfixPro from Mosh Bari and Jason Fulton, that this was a pretty good idea for free traffic generation from Mosh Bari and Jason Fulton, which should be successful.

We invested in the Pro version ($22), and also the OTO Upsells for Unlimited Version ($67), The 100 x Yours Sales And Profits Version ($97), the Done For You Money sites ($297) and the Super Traffic generator ($77).

We are in the process of setting the sites up at the moment.

We will monitor our results and publish them from time to time for your information.

Did you try out NewsProfixPro? If so, what was your experience and how did you find the results? Did they live up to your expectations?

Here are some other reviews of NewsProfixPro:


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