Why You Need Wealthy Affiliate To Make Money Online Writing

Introduction – What Is Wealthy Affiliate?

make money online writing
Make Money Online Writing

Wealthy Affiliate (WA) is a well proven successful training and online marketing platform which was started in 2005 by Kyle and Carson, who are the owners of the business. It is a comprehensive software system and also a membership community, which includes masses of training and support and enables all its subscribers to make money online writing, or blogging as it is commonly known.

You can even sign up to WA and try this platform out for FREE indefinitely!

This includes preparing and hosting two websites of your very own on WA, it really is an incredible offer!

Make Money Online Writing

Why Is Wealthy Affiliate Any Different To Any Of The Other Make Money Online Systems – Is It A Scam

Wealthy Affiliate has been developed and improved over the years and now has more than 1.3 million users and members worldwide. It is a fantastic and supportive community whose members help each other play it forward with regard to training as well as supporting and developing each members business.

So What Does Wealthy Affiliate Give Me?

You can sign up to Wealthy Affiliate in order to try it out, and you can continue to use Wealthy Affiliate for as long as you like for FREE. With this FREE membership, you have the ability to create 2 websites for your personal use, and use all of the system’s capabilities sufficient to develop those websites to be usable on the internet, and these are hosted and maintained by Wealthy Affiliate on the SiteRubix platform.

Wealthy Affiliate gives you the platform, the hosting, the training, support, mentoring and content creation facilities and systems to successfully make money online writing for FREE.

make money online writing
Make Money Online Writing With Wealthy Affiliate

If you decide that you like Wealthy Affiliate, you can sign up for Premium Membership which costs just $49 per month and gives you enhanced facilities and functionality within Wealthy Affiliate. Alternatively, you can sign up for the annual membership which is further discounted.


Wealthy Affiliate Free Membership Functionality
Wealthy Affiliate Free Membership Functionality

Why Do I Need Wealthy Affiliate to Make Money Online Writing?

make money online writing
Make Money Online Writing With WA

Wealthy Affiliate teaches you how to make money online writing using their step by step training system, which is very comprehensive and supported by text lessons as well as videos. You are required to complete practical exercises at every stage of your own websites, to prove that you have understood each lesson.

If you are not clear about any points you can refer back to the training, or you can refer to a massive database of knowledge which has been built up by subscribers over many years

What Is Different About Wealthy Affiliate Compared With Other Systems and Software?

make money online writing
Shiny Object Syndrome

There are plenty of systems and offers of how to get rich quickly using their respective systems, fondly known as ¨Shiny Objects¨, which are available online.

Many of them involve various levels of UPSELLING, meaning that you subscribe at one level of price, but are quickly induced to spend more money on the next level of SHINY OBJECT SYNDROME so that you can ensure your success to the next higher level.

Some examples of other available training systems and software offers are present here on OMS, see our reviews of the following:

Morrison Academy, click here.

Affiliate Marketing Dude, Marcus Campbell, click here.

We do not recommend either of these systems as being superior in any way to Wealthy Affiliate.

There are too many systems out there to mention, but we have come across nothing which is close to the offer from Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate costs are clearly transparent from the outset, and you can try it out for as long as you want for FREE.

No other system in the marketplace offers this level of FREE usage for trial!  You don´t even need a credit card to sign up!

There is only one level of WA membership other than the FREE membership which provides limited functionality.

So there are NO UPSELLS WITH WA, which is a common feature of much other training and online marketing systems on the marketplace.

Successful WA Members Provide The Training Mentoring and Support for More Junior WA Members

There are many successful Wealthy Affiliate members, whose businesses have grown through the years with WA. These successful members help the more junior and newer members by providing training through videos, mentoring and problem-solving help to all members. There are help and technical support available 24/7 365 days per year.

Who Are These Successful Wealthy Affiliate Members? Why Should I Believe These Success Claims? Is It Just Another Scam?

In the table below are listed the top 13 Wealthy Affiliate Ambassadors, and their Helper, Creator, and Activity rankings, together with their contribution in Ambassador Days

Make Money Online writing
Wealthy Affiliate – Top WA Members & Rankings

OMS Conclusion And Recommendation

We subscribed to Wealthy Affiliate in September 2017, and have been using and trying out the WA system extensively and in-depth since that time.

We have created several websites and either hosted them on Wealthy Affiliate or transferred them into WA. One of the sites is this one where we have written and published more than 50 posts or blogs about online marketing.

The Safety of the Wealthy Affiliate hosted sites is excellent and they are all provided with SSL, so https:// handle.

The training provided within Wealthy Affiliate is excellent and provides for those who wish to make money online writing, using their own Blog Posts, alternatively those who wish to promote membership of WA.

The community support from Wealthy Affiliate is also excellent, 1.4 million members can´t be wrong!

If you would like to try out Wealthy Affiliate for FREE click here.

If you would like to sign up to Wealthy Affiliate Premium Membership click here.

2 Replies to “Why You Need Wealthy Affiliate To Make Money Online Writing”

Matron Okoye B.N July 19, 2018 at 6:31 am

Hi Alan you review is amazing
Wealthy affiliate is just the best online business platform I have ever seen. It gives chances to people who are new in online marketing, creates a tutorial platform where they can learn and improve their skills and it helps them host their sites. I never believed in it when I started but I am beginning to the wonders. I haven’t made much but I know with lots of efforts and hard work my earnings will improve
Thanks once again for this wonderful review


    admin July 19, 2018 at 8:14 am

    Hi Matron Okoye, Thank you very much for taking the time to read my review and comment on it. I wish you success with your learning and online business using WA, Best Regards Alan


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