Review of Affiliate Marketing Dude From Marcus Campbell

Introduction: Review Of Affiliate Marketing Dude

Marcus Campbell is the Affiliate Marketing Dude and within that brand are their advertised all his products such as Simple Sites Big Profits 2015, 2016, 2017, Simple Sites Bonuses, BlogNetwork2015, SevenDayBlogProfits, HighLevelNiches and other recent products such as Recessionproof niches which started in March/April 2020, and Affiliate Marketing Bootcamp which started in June 2020.


Who Is Marcus Campbell?

Marcus Campbell is an expert marketer who has practiced his craft very successfully for the last 20plus years, and who does a lot of training online and offers various educational courses. Marcus makes no secret that he is a reformed alcoholic and has overcome various difficulties in his life before achieving his current success. Here is Marcus Campbell´s Facebook Page:

Review Of Affiliate Marketing Dude
Affiliate Marketing Dude

Here is a typical training video from the Affiliate Marketing Dude (Marcus Campbell).

Review Of Affiliate Marketing Dude: Products And Pricing

Price: Product prices vary depending on the particular product offering, see below (Prices can vary from time to time so best to check directly with the company for their current offers):

Simple Sites Big Profits, 2015

Simple Sites Big Profits, 2016

Simple Sites 2017 – Upgrade $297 (or 3 x $127) from Simple Site Big Profits 2016

Blog Profit Network, 2015

Blog Profit Members + Plug-Ins

Seven Day Blog Profits

Simple Sites Bonuses

HighTicketNiches – Upgrade from Simple Sites 2017 is one-off $700 payment, or $997 (or 3x $397) for a Done For You niche and domain package complete (includes 90 days support).

Ongoing Support: Affiliate Marketing Dude Mentorship Program: $37 per month.

We have subscribed to those products underlined above, and have a lifetime membership for these subscriptions.

Owners: Marcus Campbell

Overall Rank: 90 out of 100

Review Of Affiliate Marketing Dude Products

We have been using and carrying out a Review of Affiliate Marketing Dude for the past 3 years or more and have built up a familiarity with how the site and its group of products works, and its approach to online marketing of its various software packages such as SevenDayBlogProfits, BlogProfitNetwork, SimpleSitesBonuses, Simple Sites Big Profits, and High-Level Niches, also Recessionproof niches and the Affiliate Marketing Bootcamp.

After expressing initial interest in one of the products and subscribing to that, a user is then encouraged to upgrade to one of the other products on offer which are claimed to offer greater benefits for making money online, that´s a fairly normal funnel process.

Marcus has been using sales funnels for years, without using proprietary funnel software, just by using Landing Pages built in WordPress.

Marcus Campbell is the proprietor and founder of Affiliate Marketing Dude and all its related products, and he personally makes many or all of the training videos which are provided by the group of companies, and personally advertises the products for sale.

Marcus emphasizes his skill at finding small specialist niches, and he does this using his Trigger word method, which is his own unique approach to keyword research, which does not choose the popular keywords but identifies more obscure keywords and less competitive niches.

Marcus Campbell has been marketing online for more than 20 years and is clearly highly skilled at selling his products online, and uses many of these successful sites as examples in his training videos, for example, he quotes the following from his track record of successful sites:

My Space (made approximately $2m), Gas prices, Tattoo market (made $137 per day), Auto loans, Six Pack Abs, Football scores and results site, and Encouraging Bible Verses, all of which have been very successful for him over many years.

A General Review of Affiliate Marketing Dude:

The Good & the Bad

The Good: Marcus explains how he achieves his success in a clear and simple, and sometimes self-deprecating manner through the numerous training videos which are available within his site, and also generally available on Youtube. His manner is very personable and he inspires trust in a viewer.

PRO #1: There are numerous training videos that explain in the overview and also in detail various stages of the process of niche finding, domain selection, website building, and driving traffic to your website.

PRO #2: There are no refunds available on his products so it is not possible to try for a certain period to see if you like the product(s), or to see how they perform.

PRO #3: It is possible to get support via email, and also via LiveChat, including contact with Marcus himself.

The Cons:

CON #1: The organization of the reference material in terms of training videos could be better, and it is sometimes difficult to track down the answer to a particular query from the overwhelming number of available training videos.

Who Are Affiliate Marketing Dude Products For?

Marcus Campbell aims his products at people who are interested in making money online and implies that those signing up to his products and training can achieve success but he makes it clear there are no guarantees that a subscriber may achieve the same level of success as him.

Affiliate Marketing Dude Tools & Training

There are lots of specialized tools within the software which is purchased and numerous training videos to explain step by step how to go about finding a niche, choosing a domain name, setting up a website and driving traffic to the website in order to generate sales of Affiliate products. Many of the topics are repeated so you sometimes have to spend a lot of time reviewing known material in order to find the particular reference point which you want.

Affiliate Marketing Dude Support

There is email support provided to subscribers, as well as Live Chat, and also the opportunity to chat with Marcus when he is available online. There a user community, and forum, and personal support, which is active from week to week.

Affiliate Marketing Dude Price

The overall pricing of Affiliate Marketing Dude is difficult to predict, as to only buy one or two of the available products would give very limited functionality. There is constant pressure to upgrade, especially to High-Ticket Niches, which involves an outlay of approximately $997 (or 3 x $397) for a Done For You niche and website. We did upgrade from the previous products which we bought (Simple Sites Big Profits 2015, 2016, and 2017 (early release demo), plus Blog Profit Network 2015, and Blog Profit Members plus Plug-Ins), and paid $700 for the Done For You niche, which we did eventually receive after 2-3 months.  The Affiliate Marketing Bootcamp is an especially good value at $997.

Conclusion And Recommendation:

Our Opinion of Affiliate Marketing Dude

Affiliate Marketing Dude is a suite of software products that have been designed and developed over time by Marcus Campbell to enable you to identify a suitable specialist niche and identify a suitable domain name and register a website in order to make money from Affiliate Marketing. The information available is quite a lot, but it is difficult to find exactly which information you will need in order to solve a particular problem, so the indexing and cataloging of training information could be improved.

Marcus is obviously very experienced and expert at Affiliate Marketing and has an intuitive approach to it, which must have taken years to refine.

After three year´s usage and Review of Affiliate Marketing Dude products including the Done For You High Ticket Niche Website at $997, and the Recessionproof niche we have changed our opinion about Marcus´s products and having gone into the Bootcamp training in more depth, we think that Marcus´s methods have merit and clearly work, since Marcus has made a very successful business from his Sales and Marketing expertise


5 Replies to “Review of Affiliate Marketing Dude From Marcus Campbell”

DorcasW October 13, 2017 at 5:28 pm

Alan; Affiliate Marketing Dude seamed to be a very carefully sought out business; Marcus Campbell had not wasted time at all.

If Simple Site is one of his products, well he have something that is good. I have personally used Simple site and the only problem that I had with them was their mark up pricing. I considered it to be too high.

Would you recommend Campbell’s teaching including Videos to the buying public?


    admin October 13, 2017 at 7:10 pm

    Hi DorcasW Thank you for your comments and sharing your experience with me. Having tried both Simple Sites and WA, I consider the latter to be better in terms of functionality and price, Value For Money so I would recommend WA first I think. Best Regards Alan


Jacob Schilling December 13, 2017 at 11:54 pm

Hi Alan, why is not getting a refund a pro#2? That seems more like a con to me. It seems like the “affiliate marketing dude” will be a good place to learn some affiliate marketing software. I see you mentioned it also has a live chat. Could you give me any info on how big the community is, and how often there are people to chat and ask for help?


    admin December 15, 2017 at 12:00 am

    Hi Jacob, Regarding the no refunds, it is a con, rather than a pro, you are right. Marcus says he wants people to be committed and use his marketing software, but until you try it you don’t know whether it will suit you. I don’t have any exact numbers regarding his community size. Regarding the live chat I have always had replies to support tickets which I submitted, although sometimes it may take a few days. One thing I am not happy about recently is the time taken for Marcus to do a ¨Done For You¨ High Value Niche, which is almost three months(and still not working for me). I read a complaint from someone that theirs had taken 2 months and they were still waiting, and gave Marcus the benefit of the doubt, but it seems to certainly take a lot longer than the one to two weeks which Marcus promises on his pitch. From my ongoing evaluation of Affiliate Marketing Dude it is a lot more expensive than ¨Wealthy Affiliate¨, and not as effective.  I strongly recommend you to consider Wealthy Affiliate rather than Affiliate Marketing Dude, you will get much better training at lower cost, and you can try it out for free, to make sure it suits you!. Regards Alan


Ed car January 15, 2019 at 11:43 pm

I also bought a High Ticket Niche. I waited for 3 months and didn’t get what was advertised. He never provided me with a traffic plan or what kind of affiliate offers to link to.

The simple sites course (also included with the high ticket niche) was missing over 1/2 the videos.

Marcus agreed to refund me but said I had to wait 6 months. After the date arrived he said he had to figure out a way to refund me due to accounting reasons. He strung me along for another 2 months in back and forth messages and NEVER gave me the refund he promised. He even went as far as taking my bank information because he promised a bank wire as a way to refund me.

He’s selling an incomplete course and is not a person of his word! What kind of person treats others this way? To promise me something and then lie and string me along for months never to deliver on what he told me.

DO NOT ORDER HIS COURSE, you’ll regret it.

Fortunately I disputed my credit card charge with Chase Bank and they granted me my full refund. Because so much time had passed since my purchase I didn’t think they would accept my dispute but they did.

I encourage anyone else to do the same.


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