Review of PRIMO3 The Future Generation Of E-business In a Box 2019

Introduction to PRIMO3 Generation Of E-business In A Box

PRIMO3 is a software system and Generation Of E-business in a box package which allows you to sell ebooks and e-courses and educational software as a subscriber to Tom Hua´s proprietary system.  PRIMO3 uses all  Private Label Rights for educational products such as e-books and e-courses E-business In a Box, which are provided by Tom Hua, and you can supplement this with your own PLR´s if you wish. PRIMO3 is designed to be the next generation of E-business in a box.

What is a Business in a Box? | Pure-E-commerce Ready to Go …

The idea for a business in a box was first born after the experiences our Founder, Jennifer Varner, had when she started her first e-commerce site at her kitchen …

Who is Tom Hua?

Tom Hua is the Chinese owner and proprietor of a number of online businesses, including Hitech United Australia Pty Ltd, based in Victoria, and he has been extremely successful at internet marketing since he started his enterprises after emigrating to Australia for a university education E-business In a Box.

e-business in a box, Review of PRIMO3 The Future Generation Of E-business In Box 2019
Tom Hua Owner Of PRIMO3

I have heard Tom Hua speak publicly on two occasions since last year. He is a very amusing speaker who tells a very powerful story of his rise to wealth and success from his family´s humble start in China, from where he emigrated in the early 90´s, and made money in Australia, then New Zealand, and repaid all the loans which he had borrowed from his family members in China, in order to fund his education in computer science.


What Does PRIMO3 Provide You?

PRIMO3 is essentially an E-business in a box system for selling Tom Hua´s and subscribers products. It comprises several Packages which are as follows, as offered at the Andrew Reynolds Digital Nomads Summit 2018. Since the closure of that event terms and conditions of the offer may change, and the offer described may no longer be available.

E-business in a box

#1 – Product Package

Subscribers are able to offer more than 426 of Tom´s own information products, tools and resources to their own customers via social media connections.

There are also additional new and exclusive e-courses with Resell rights each and every month, for the next two years. Tom claims this to be the largest E-product Licence Collection in the world.

Subscribers receive a training course E-business In a Box which explains step by step how to set up the PRIMO3 system E-business In a Box. Subscribers are encouraged to take their time to work through the training, and there is support at every stage, including via a Facebook support group and a weekly Q&A session with Tom personally.

Tom claims the value of this package alone to be $57,250.

#2 – Website Package

Every subscriber receives their own Cross-Platform website, graphics and sales letter. All the products and websites may be branded and edited to suit each individual subscriber.

It is hosted on a Privately Managed Amazon Web Service (AWS) for two years, claimed to be the best possible Cloud Computing Service, using the most advanced technology on the most reliable platform in the world.

This can be run with or without your own domain name.

Tom claims the value of this package to be $120 x 24 = $2,880.

#3 – Viral Traffic Package

Subscribers can sell their own products on his platform as a Publisher by leveraging the promotion power of thousands of affiliates worldwide. Subscribers can sell their own products in order to make a profit quickly and are also empowered by PRIMO3´s unique E-branding system allowing affiliates to join your backend program and promote your products like no other. As a result, your name and links are exposed to thousands of more customers overnight.

Tom claims the value of this package to be $100 x 24 = $2400.

#4 – e-Business eLearning System

An E-learning system where PRIMO3 takes you by the hand and helps you to put every component of your business in the right place, step by step, including an Elibrary of ever-expanding video tutorials and weekly Q&A sessions. Also a Private Facebook Support Group, where you can get help and learn more and more as your E-business in a box grows.

Tom claims the value of this package is $4,997.

The training videos are clear and concise and are backed up with text instructions so that you see step by step what to do, then have it written for you to also follow step by step.

At the end of each training module there is a knowledge quiz, so you can test yourself on what you have learned.

#5 – Auto Promotion Package

Subscribers are offered ONE CLICK PROMOTION to many social networks, or alternatively, to SET UP ONCE and let the system promote automatically to Facebook or Twitter, 24/7/365days per year.

Subscribers websites are delivered to users according to the device they use, PC, Tablet or Mobile, all delivered by the Cross-Platform Intelligent Cloud Web Service which gives your customers the best visiting experience regardless of their device type, therefore more sales!

Tom claims the value of this package is $250 x 24 = $6,000.

The total value of all the above packages, Tom claims to be $62,000.

At the Digital Nomads Summit, Tom Hua offered other Mega Bonuses as well as the above packages, which may not be available after that event.

Mega Bonus #1

Unlimited support including a Uk local team, Tom claims the value is $1,000.

Mega Bonus #2

Private Facebook Group and weekly online Q&A sessions, Tom claims the value is $1,000.

Mega Bonus #3

WordPress pre-installed and integrated, Tom claims the value is $1,000.

Mega Bonus #4

5 x one-on-one screen shared support, Tom claims the value is $2,000.

Mega Bonus #5

PRIMO3 Resale licence, Tom claims the value is $5,000.

Mega Bonus #6

300 hours of Virtual Assistant, Tom claims the value is $9,000.

Mega Bonus #7

Free promotion to 200,000 people, Tom claims this is $priceless.

Mega Bonus #8

Surprise Bonus, Tom claims this is $priceless.

Tom claims the value on offer including Bonuses and Mega Bonuses is $100,000+

How Much Does PRIMO3 E-business In A Box Cost?

Tom Hua and Hitech United make every effort for their products and services to be accessible to most users. The cost structure is as follows:

A single payment of $3,777.

Alternatively subscribers can choose one of the following payment plan options:

$1,277 x 3 payments = $3,831.

$677 x 6 payments = $4062.

$337 x 12 payments = $4444.

$250 x 24 payments = $6000.

OMS Conclusion And Recommendation

We are currently trying out the PRIMO 3 package from Tom Hua, and are about 2 months into the training course, which is now complete.

OMS recommends subscribers to consider the purchase of this E-business in a box from Tom Hua and Hitech United since it appears to provide excellent value for money when you consider all the bonuses which are included in the price.

The payment plans are also good value, with the possible exception of the 2-year payment plan which does seem to be over-priced at $250 per month (in our view $200 per month would be a fairer rate).

If you want to try out PRIMO3, then visit the link here: E-business In a Box

3 Replies to “Review of PRIMO3 The Future Generation Of E-business In a Box 2019”

Isaac July 20, 2018 at 9:23 pm

Seems like a good business opportunity. I notice your widget on the side at the top: Black Friday to Cyber Monday Offer is not clickable.

Well put together site. Very Informative, you break everything down so anyone can understand.

Internet marketing is very competitive. If you don’t know what your doing you can lose money in it as well as time and effort like anything else. Takes money to make money, have to do alot of studying before you should attempt to do marketing. Have you purchased all the packages from Mr. Tom Hua?


    admin July 23, 2018 at 10:18 am

    Hi Isaac, Thank you for your comments. I need to remove the Black Friday widget, thanks for the reminder.

    You are obviously aware of the time commitment needed for internet marketing, as well as the skills and knowledge needed.

     I subscribed to Tom Hua, PRIMO3, not purchased everything from him yet, and I will report on progress but first impressions are good. Thanks again Alan


admin July 20, 2018 at 9:46 pm

Hi Isaac, Yes it would be very good for promoting business opportunities. Alan


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