Introduction To Review Of Funnel XROI System 2019
We received an invitation to join a sales System at the end of December 2018, upon which we have carried out this Review Of Funnel XROI System 2019. On the face of it, everything seems very positive and you are given the information that this Done For You system can help you to attain at least $100 per day consistently online, hinting that $300 per day is possible, or even more, which would enable you to quit your job and develop this business as your own. On the introductory video you are told that you do not need any prior experience, nor do you need a product or your own website.
You are told that the Done For You system will provide all the necessary promotions, advertisements, emails, offers and leads.
You are even told that there are a limited number of free places available and that if these have expired on the Sales page then you can proceed to buy the system for $1997. Nice touch, encouraging you to sign up for free!
What you need to do is to drive traffic to the Done For You website which you will be provided when you agree to proceed and set up the system for yourself. You will be given step by step instruction of what to do next.
Lots of testimonials are shown on the sales videos, many of them without names so that you can verify who they are and when and over what period their successful results were obtained.
You are told that it is not a Get Rich Quick scheme and that your results depend on your hard work.
Who Is David Dekel?
David Dekel is a successful internet marketer and the owner of the Funnel XROI System. He claims to have developed this system out of long periods of trial and error using his own internet marketing systems since 2013.
What Exactly Does Funnel XROI System Do?
What we understand is that when you set up your Funnel XROI System, you can offer certain products on your website. You can then earn commissions on the sale of these products. In order to use the system, you need a Desktop or a Laptop computer (not a mobile phone or tablet).
Some of the products which you are encouraged to offer are as follows:
- Easy1Up: which is a low-cost product $25, plus $5 registration fee.
- High Energy: Balanced Lifestyle product.
- Clickmagick: – tracking tool. This is an excellent product.
- Udimi: – Sol ads provider, which is also an excellent product.
- Vertex: – High-cost educational product $2000 – but high commissions possible.
You will be required to buy the products in order to be able to offer them for sale on your Done For You website.
The analogy of MacDonalds is used by David Dekel in his introductory video, and especially the need to be able to offer Multiple products. Where would MacDonalds be if they only sold burgers, on which their margin is a few cents only? MacDonalds is profitable because they have a range of complementary products, and the profit margins are on these rather than the basic (burger) product.
What Are The Pros And Cons Of Funnel XROI System?
The Pro´s of Funnel XROI System on the face of it are:
You are getting a FREE copy of a successful and proven marketing system of product sales, upon which you will receive commissions of up to $1000 on educational software products.
The Cons of Funnel XROI System are:
You are being drawn into a sales funnel.
- In order to offer products for sale you will be required to purchase those products, and these products range in cost up to $2000 +.
- So before you can make any commissions on sales, you are already being sold to and required to invest.
- Your available disposable funds and capital may become exhausted before you earn any commissions whatsoever.
- Commissions are stated to be high, but the investment is also relatively high.
- You are required to follow instructions in order to succeed without knowing in advance what those instructions require you to do.
- The benefits are more with the operators Funnel XROI System rather than with the subscriber.
What Is The Price OF Funnel XROI System 2019?
The price you pay if you accept the conditions with the offer is NIL. The Done For You System is provided Free subject to their conditions.
The conditions attached to the offer are:
- That you will follow instructions which you are given.
- That you will give a Testimonial to the company as soon as you have achieved success.
Are There Testimonials For Funnel XROI System?
There are a lot of testimonials for Funnel XROI System out there, as you would expect because a condition of you signing up for your free account is that you will give a testimonial to the company when requested after you have attained successful results.
Here is an independent Review of Funnel XROI System 2019, which gives a very thorough appraisal of the Pros and Cons, the reviewer has been inside the system.
Conclusion And Recommendation For Review Of Funnel XROI System 2019
This Review of Funnel XROI System 2019 concludes on the basis of what we currently know, that we would not recommend Funnel XROI System to anyone.
We should perhaps qualify that to say that if you are prepared to invest several thousand dollars in the system, it may give you some return on your investment.
The way that Funnel XROI System is presented in its sales video is that it is free to the subscriber. This is not the case and you will be required to buy products on which you may be able to earn commissions.
Since we have not personally used the software, we would ask that if you have good experience with Funnel XROI, please let us know and we would be pleased to look at your feedback and comments.
Here is some advice from the independent reviewer in the video review, make your own mind up, but we suggest you check it out thoroughly before diving in.