Best Review Of ¨One Funnel Away¨ Challenge From Russell Brunson

Introduction To Best Review Of ¨One Funnel Away¨ Challenge From Russell Brunson

This Best Review Of ¨One Funnel Away¨ (OFA) Challenge From Russell Brunson gives you an overview of the latest offer from Russell Brunson of Clickfunnels fame. It really is a very clever marketing campaign to make people aware of Sales Funnels, and how Clickfunnels can help marketers to achieve more sales. The end result of the OFA Challenge will probably be lots more subscribers to Clickfunnels.


Russell Brunson personally presents this as an educational campaign to raise people´s awareness of Sales Funnels and how these can propel your business to overnight success. Hence the campaign slogan, You´re Just One Funnel Away!

For our OMS Review Of Clickfunnels, go here.

Who is Russell Brunson?

Russell Brunson is a famous and highly successful online entrepreneur and expert marketer, who is the proprietor of ClickFunnels,  his online marketing software company based in Boise, Idaho. Clickfunnels is the fastest growing non-venture capital backed company in the world.

Russell has made a massive success of his company Clickfunnels, by re-writing the book on Sales and Marketing.

Russell is a best-selling author of such well-known book titles as DotCom Secrets and Expert Secrets Book, for both of which books there are many testimonials available.

What Does the OFA Challenge From Russell Brunson Do Exactly?

The OFA Challenge From Russell Brunson is an intensive educational or coaching course which is designed to improve your use of Sales funnels and encourages you to use Clickfunnels for that purpose. It is intended to take you from knowing nothing about Sales Funnels to be able to design and create and implement A Sales Funnel for your own business, which is just OFA from success. Challenge, and How Much Does It Cost?

You can buy the OFA Challenge by clicking here.

Are There Testimonials For The OFA?

There are lots of Testimonials for Clickfunnels, and also for Russell Brunson, and here are a few of them.

Miles Beckler takes Russell Brunson up on the simplicity of the Clickfunnels offer, it may help Russell Brunson sell Clickfunnels, but will it help you to make a successful business of your own – can you deliver on your promises? His assessment is that One funnel Away is a gross over-simplification and that you need to do much more to be able to gain the Trust of your customers that you can solve their problems.


Where Can You Buy The OFA, and How Much Does It Cost?

You can buy Russell Brunson´s One Funnel Away by clicking on this link here.

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