Social Media – Make Money Online Free PDF

FREE Offer – OMS Social Media -Make Money Online PDF 2018

There are many ways to really social media make money online or to make money online fast and here we give you several ideas which we have summarized and which we can send you by email as a PDF document called ´OMS Make Money Online Free PDF´.

Make Money Online With Facebook

To really make money online or make money online fast using Facebook usually involves buying Facebook Ads, for which you need to open a Facebook business account from your personal Facebook account.

Facebook gives you a tracking pixel with which you can track your views, and sales conversions make money online. This is important so that you can get feedback on the performance of your ads.

It is possible to identify a pre-selected audience for your advertisements using the filters available within Facebook, such as:

    • Gender: Male or Female;
    • Age: in band categories from children up to 65 years plus,
    • Parental categories: such as parents, parents with young children, grandparents etc,
    • Hobbies and interests,
    • and whether they are active buyers on Facebook.

Depending on the parameters chosen Facebook will give you an indication of the audience size which you will reach with your chosen parameters.

Hence you can target your chosen niche market using the parameters within Facebook Ads, and gradually refine your searches depending on the success of your sales campaigns in your quest to really make money online fast. So audiences can be pre-created or adjusted and testing of results can be done frequently until the right audience selection and sales results are achieved.

Facebook Ads for information and engagement are reasonably priced, but purchase of Facebook Ads for conversions has recently become very expensive. You can set the budget for your expenditure on Facebook Ads, and Facebook will automatically manage the Facebook Ads expenditure for you. For example Facebook can manage to expend at your specified dollar rate per day, until your budget is fully used. Alternatively the expenditure can be set dependent upon clicks or sales. You choose from the available parameters which method suits your business the best.

Make Money Online With Facebook Messenger

You can really make money online if you can get the maximum engagement with your prospective purchasers. One of the best ways to do this is using Facebook Messenger. The reason that Facebook Messenger is particularly successful is that Facebook Messages are almost always opened by the recipient, at a 95% open rate, compared with a less than 10% rate for emails. This leads to much higher engagement with the recipient or prospective buyer and thus much higher sales. Receipt of a FB Message is comparible wih receiving an sms on your telephone so it is viewed as a highly personal message.

There are some software packages which specialize in Facebook Messenger such as Trustreach or TRUSTMSG.

Make Money Online With Instagram

Use of Instagram is another way in which you can really make money online, and make money online fast, and this works in a very similar way to Facebook Messenger. Instagram is popular with younger users, and is also primarily intended for use of images. Images are a prompt to conversion of sales, so there is very high engagement with propsective buyers. See Pinterest which also has a high usage of images, and so is a means to really make money online or make money fast online.

Make Money Online With Pinterest

Use of Pinterest is a good way to build engagement and trust with prospective buyers and to provide social proof about your products and services, which will eventually lead to sales, and really make money online or make money online fast. Links to Pinterest are the best way to display images, and then link them back to your website for Call To Action. Pinterest is the fastest growing Social Media.

Make Money Online With Google

In order to Really Make Money Online, you need to get engagement with your prospective purchasers so you can use Google Adwords, as an alternative to Facebook Ads, or in addition to Facebook Ads, and Google Ads  are reasonably priced. The trick is to target your Google ads precisely to suit your audience, which is the niche market which you have chosen.

Make Money Online With Youtube

Another Fast Make Money Online method is to use Youtube videos, which are free. Google owns Youtube and sets the rules for use of url´s. It is forbidden to blatanty promote your website from Youtube, but you can link Youtube videos to other posts, where you can display your url

Make Money Online With Yahoo

Yahoo Ads work in a similar way to Google Ads, and also Bing Ads. Yahoo is not as popular as Google but it is still widely used for searches. Engagement with prospective buyers is the key to building trust which will eventually lead to sales from Yahoo.

Make Money Online With Bing

Bing Ads work in a similar way to Google and Yahoo. Bing is not as popular as Google or Yahoo, but it is still reasonably widely used for searches. Bing alows engagement with propsective buyers in the same way as Yahoo, and once trust is built then conversions will follow.

Make Money Online Using Twitter

It may be that for your business Twitter is the best way to really make money online or a fast way to make money online. Twitter has grown in popularity extremely fast and is a quick attention getter, so engagement with prospective purchasers is high.


In order to really make money online, and make money online fast, you need to maximize use of Social media. All of the above Social Media are readily available and they each have advantages and disadvantages compared with others. You need to decide which one or more of these Social Media best suits your business strategy and your budget.

Once you decide which of the Social Media to use, you then need to plan a strategy of communication and rollouts of information to prospective purchasers.

Once your business gets to a certain critical size then you need to move to automated methods of dealing with engagement, otherwise the task of managing and responding to communications becomes extremely laborious and time consuming.

Check out our review of Wealthy Affiliate, here, where you can find out how to maximise the use of Social Media in order to optimise your business.

5 Replies to “Social Media – Make Money Online Free PDF”

Vinay January 21, 2018 at 4:47 pm

Very nice and helpful information there. I didn’t know facebook messenger can be a source of income before reading your post. Good


    admin January 21, 2018 at 5:04 pm

    Hi Vinay, Thank you for visiting and your comments. Yes FB Messenger can be extremely profitable and there is software which can help you use it successfully, for example Trustreach Best Alan


David Hurley January 23, 2018 at 2:21 pm


Thanks for pointing out that we can use Facebook Messenger for our advertising campaigns. It makes sense that the open rate is currently higher than for email message.

Just thinking about my behaviour, I probably open over 99% of my FB Messenger messages, but a much lower percentage of email messages. But on the other hand, that could be because Messenger has not yet been discovered by a lot of marketers. So far, I have received very few marketing messages on Messenger.

Thanks for the tip about Trustreach. I’ll check it out.

Honestly speaking, I skimmed over the other social media sites you mentioned here as I was really focused on the Facebook info. Perhaps you could create a separate blog post for each of those platforms. Thanks.

David Hurley


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