OMS Review of Brian Dean And His Awesome Blog Backlinko 2018
We have come across other Reviews of Brian Dean and read about his Awesome Blog Backlinko over quite a time now, and have looked into his methods and found that there are some fantastic content and tips which we would like to share with you in this review.
Who is Brian Dean?
Brian Dean is an Internationally recognised expert in the field of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

What is Brian Dean´s Speciality?
Brian Dean is an internationally recognised SEO expert, whose particular forte is Backlinks, hence the name of his Blog, Backlinko.
You can sign up to Backlinko by clicking Brian Dean´s Blog Backlinko, and receive the benefits of Brian Dean´s expert advice on Free Exclusive Traffic Tips straight to your inbox.
Here is Wikipedia´s definition of Backlinks, from which you will see that a backlink is a sort of citation regarding your website from another website.
Google takes account of the quality, relevance and quantity of the backlinks on your website when ranking your posts.
Here is a Youtube Video of Brian Dean explaining How To Get Powerful Backlinks In 2018:
Brian Dean Recommends a Non-Technical Site Audit
Brian Dean recommends carrying out a non-technical site audit on your website and gives a simple checklist which you can work your way through and fix the bugs step by step.
- Find And Delete Zombie Pages.
- Check to see If Your Site is Mobile Friendly.
- Make Sure Google Indexes One Version Of Your Site.
- Speed Up Your Site.
- Find And Fix Indexing Problems.
- Check Organic Traffic.
- Improve Your On-Page SEO.
- Set Up Keyword Rank Tracking.
- Analyse Your Backlinks.
- Fix Broken Links.
- Competitor Analysis.
- Make Your Content 10xBetter.
- Optimise For UX Signals.
- Flatten Your Website Architecture.
- Re-write Duplicate Meta Tags.
- Launch a Skyscraper Post.
- Get More From Your Internal Links.
- Use A Site Audit Tool.
- Optimise For Featured Snippets.
Brian Dean´s Advice How To Rank #1 In Google
Brian Dean has several videos on his Youtube channel and following his advice, you can learn step by step How To Rank #1 In Google
Brian Dean´s Advanced SEO Tips
On his videos, or in his Blog post you can pick up amazing advice for FREE on Advanced SEO Tips, which can make all the difference to your own website´s rankings in Google.
1. Use Title Tag Power-Ups
You need to think about the impact and effect of your Post Titles and introduce words which are effective in getting your reader´s interest. Such words as Guide, Awesome, New, Fast, Crazy, How-To, Research, Proven, Results, Amazing, and Step-By-Step have been proven in research to gain better interest and fantastic search results. You should consider using words such as these in your own posts, to increase their effectiveness and improve efficiency, they help to optimise your site for SEO.
2. Stop Page Sticking
You can optimise your site for page sticking by adopting the following principles in your structuring and writing of your posts.
- Use Lots Of Bullet Points And Sub-Headings
- Use Short Introductions Of 4-9 Sentences
- Delete Zombie Pages
- Do An Industry Study
Brian Dean´s On-Page SEO Checklist
Brian Dean thinks that On-Page SEO is Huge! He gives his readers and followers a checklist to optimise their own websites in accordance with his views.
Backlinks are still Google´s #1 ranking signal, but to actually rank for your target keywords, your On-Page SEO needs to be Spot On! Follow these actions to optimise your website pages:
1. Front Load Your Title Tag
Google puts more weight on words found at the beginning of your Title Tag, so that is where you need to put your keywords.
2. Use SEO Friendly URL´s
Google uses your URL to work out the topic of your page, so rather than using long URL´s, use ones which are short and sweet.
3. Use Multi-Media In Your Blog Posts
If you add multi-media such as images, lists, videos, screenshots etc to your blog post, it boosts interaction, which is picked up by Google and this positively affects your ranking.
4. Use Outbound Links
You should include at least 2 outbound links to related authority sites, such as popular blogs, news sites and .edu or .gov sources in every piece of content which you publish.
5. Include Your Keyword At The Beginning Of Your Post
Your keyword needs to appear within the first 100 words of your post.
6. Wrap Your Target Keyword (Or A Synonym) In An H1 Tag
Your H1 Tag is like the sub-headline of your post, and ideally, your target keyword should appear here.
7. Quick Loading Speed.
You can use the Google Page Insights Tool to check the loading speed of your post or page and address any issues to optimise loading speed for all devices including mobiles.
8. Add Modifiers To Your Title Tag
You should wherever possible add modifiers to your Title Tag, which are words such as 2018, Best, Guide, Review, which help you to rank for long tail versions of your keyword.
9. Use Prominent Social Share Buttons
Make sure that your Social Share buttons are positioned front and centre of your blog post so that visitors can easily share the content.
10. Publish Long Content
You need to write at least 1500 words in each of your posts, for content that you are trying to rank for competitive keywords.
11. Slash Bounce Rate
Bounce Rate is an SEO and Conversion Killer. You need to include Internal Links at the top of your post.
12. Use LSI Keywords
LSI is Latent Schematic Indexing, which are words which are commonly found alongside your keywords. For example, if you have a keyword phrase ¨Weight Loss Tips¨, then LSI keywords would be nutrition, dieting and fat loss because these words are commonly found in association with your keywords. You need to include 1-2 LSI keywords per post.
13. Dwell Time
The Dwell Time is the length of time a visitor stays on your website post or page. You need to write long engaging content which keeps people reading. Especially, you need to make the first paragraph interesting and compelling.
14. Internal Linking
A good example of a website having excellent internal linking is Wikipedia. Following their example, you should add 2-3 internal links to older articles when posting a new one.
15. H2 And H3 Tags
You should include your keyword at least once in an H2 or H3 heading.
16. Image Optimisation
You should tag your images with keyword rich Alt-Text.
17. Optimise Links to Content
For 90% of websites on the internet, the homepage is the most authoritative. The closer your page is to the home page, the higher it will rank, so you need to check that each of your posts or pages is no more than 3 clicks from the home page.
18. Maximise Click Through Rate (CTR)
To find out how to maximise your CTR in Google, you need to check your keywords in a Google Adwords Ad.
For example, if you are using the keywords ¨Glass Water Bottles¨, then enter this as a search term in Google Adwords, and you will return the words ¨BPA Free¨. You can then add these words on to your keywords.
You can also consider adding some power words such as ¨Build¨, ¨Grow¨, or ¨Boost¨ to your keyword phrase.
Brian Dean´s method of improving the CTR is called the CTR Magnet Method, which involves.
- Finding Google Adword Ads relevant to your keyword.
- Include the words or phrases from the Adwords Ad into your keyword phrase.
- Add these words into your Title and Description tag as well.
How To Rank #1 in Youtube Videos Fast in 2018
Like in any review of Brian Dean he offers his advice on How To Rank #1 In Youtube Videos Fast in 2018 using the following step-by-step method, and watch his video too:
Step 1 – Youtube Keyword Research
Firstly, generate a list of keyword ideas, from which you can select the best keywords to rank on Youtube. You can use the Youtube Keyword Suggest feature to do this.
When you input a word, Youtube Suggest generates a list of actual search terms; or alternatively, you can:
Go to a popular Youtube video and copy the same keywords the video is ranked around.
Keyword Optimisation is a key part of Youtube SEO.
Go to another Youtube channel in your niche and sort the videos by ¨Most Popular¨, which shows the videos which generated the most views. Choose one video, and check the Video Title, Video Description, and Video Tags using the VidIQ Chrome Extension. Then find other keywords which you can use, eg SEO Basics.
Find the best keywords from your list, and target low competition keywords.
Try the Youtube Ranking Factors, and check the results there.
Then search for your keyword in Google – You will get 2-5 x more views if your keyword is also ranked in Google.
Optimise your videos around keywords that already have video results in Google.
Google only includes videos in the search results for certain keywords.
In general, Google tends to use video results for these types of keywords:
- How to….(eg shave a cat, change a plug, dig the garden, fix your car engine etc).
- Review of …..(Products or services)
- Tutorials.…. (eg WordPress Tutorial)
- Fitness Or Sports Related Stuff
- Funny Videos
To use this method and find such videos, search in Google and get the Youtube results,
Make sure that your target keyword has no less than 100 and preferably up to 1000 searches per month in Google, and use the Google keyword planner.
Step#2 Publish A High Retention Video
If you can publish a High Retention Video then your audience retention will be close to 100%.
Tips to achieve this are to:
1. Start With The Topic And A Summary of the Video.
Many people leave within 10 seconds of clicking on your video, so you need to keep their interest by grabbing their attention with the right keywords, or punchy keyword phrase, such as 10 Tips For Low Carb Desserts!
2. Jump Right Into The Content.
People are in a hurry to find information, so you need to satisfy that need very quickly.
3. Use Open Loops For Viewer Retention.
What this means is that you need to preview items which appear later in the video so as to inform and start curiosity which keeps your viewer´s attention/retention.
Step#3 Youtube Video Optimisation
You need to say your target keywords so that this is picked up by the auto-transcription.
A power tip is that your keyword should be at the beginning of the title.
The Description is important for the context, and should be no more than 250 words and should include the keyword in the first 25 words, as well as 2-4 times.
Tags can assist with targetting.
Step#4 Promote Your Video
You need to mention your video in other relevant places such as Forums, Quora, Question And Answer sites etc.
A good way to promote a video is to link the video to your email signature so that there are a lot of opportunities for visitors to click on this.
You can embed your videos in your blog posts.
Use the Skyscraper technique to build engagement.
Use Playlists, and link these to a series of videos.
Optimise your Youtube Channel page, and you can also include keywords in the Channel Description.
Does Backlinko Advice Work?
The answer to that question is undoubted yes, as any Review Of Brian Dean demonstrates, for example:
¨17 Untapped Backlink Sources¨and ¨Backlinks – The Definitive Guide¨.
You need to include links to your website from mega-authority sites such as Forbes, TechCrunch, Entrepreneur etc. Brian Dean suggests his 5 favourite link building strategies.
Features Of Good Backlinks
- Come From Trusted Authoritative Websites, With Domain Authority
- Include A Target Keyword In The Link´s Anchor Text
- Page Linking To You Is Topically Related To Your Site. You need to build links from sites in your industry and closely related industries.
- The Link Is A Dofollow Link. Links from such sources tend to be Blog comments, press releases, paid ads, and profile links.
- The Link Is From A Domain That Hasn´t Linked To You Before. Additional links from the same website to your own give diminishing returns.
You can use Link Magnets to attract links to your website from outside using blogs, videos, software, quizzes or surveys.
Brian Dean advises about the complete list of Google ranking criteria, of which there are approximately 200.
He also proposes using the Skyscraper Technique, which is explained in this post here.
There are 4 pillars of knowledge according to Brian Dean, the primary one being Linkworthy Content.
The second pillar is to Improve a post, meaning that you attempt to optimise the original content.
Then you can attempt to Outreach to others in the same niche with whom you can establish contact with a view to links to your site, possibly guest blogs or other external links.
You can use the software to assist with this technique. Check out their blog here which elaborates on the principles involved in Virality of a post.
How Much Does Backlinko Cost?
Backlinko is totally FREE! What´s wrong with that?
OMS Recommendation About Review Of Brian Dean And Backlinko
Our OMS Review Of Brian Dean finds that he is a leading light and Guru in the field of SEO, so we would not hesitate to recommend his teaching and methods, and use of Backlinko.
In fact, if you want to get ahead of the pack, you can’t do without Backlinko.
There is no reason why you should not sign up to Backlinko and get the benefits of Brian Dean´s strategies, thinking and actionable tips straight to your own email address for FREE in order to optimise your own website.
Backlinko is fantastic and so is Brian Dean!
2 Replies to “OMS Review of Brian Dean And His Awesome Blog Backlinko 2018”
Michelle October 6, 2018 at 6:15 pm
Hello Alan,
Thanks for this wonderful article. I love Backlinko and Brian Dean. He is a cornucopia of information…and extremely useful information. Your article fully did him justice. Thanks for sharing and the reminder as well. Much success to you.
Emmanuel Damian November 4, 2018 at 12:46 pm
This is a very helpful article. I surely learned a lot from it.