OMS Review of Online Video In Marketing


online video in marketing
online video in marketing

Online Video in Marketing

Video is a relatively new development in Social Media, but has rapidly grown in importance owing to the way in which people have readily adapted to and are hungry for the visual form of communication, and are eager to consume more and more video recorded information. Some people learn easier from the visual medium, rather than reading text. It continues to grow rapidly and is forecast to be by far the most widely used medium within 5 years.

Video has been phenomenally successful in the field of online Internet Marketing, especially on YouTube, because the videos are also ranked by Google.

Youtube Make Money Online
Youtube Make Money Online

People are more likely to watch a video which informs them about a particular topic, than to read the equivalent amount of text on the same subject. So videos are used to advertize products which are available, or to inform interested parties about the uses of particular products or availability of offers, or to inform about changes in situations in fact to inform people about more or less anything.

The videos are extremely powerful because they can be viewed by large numbers of people at any time (in fact at different times in different time zones and in different parts of the world) without the need to identify and locate those people.

Anyone can view a video from their computer or from their mobile telephone.

No email address or identity is required such as is needed for email marketing, where usually an interested party must either send their email address or consent to receipt of an email about a particular subject.

There are a number of reasons for this fact, and one of the prime ones is that communication by video is more personal than communication via a website with pages or posts. It is direct communication between the author of the video and the viewer or recipient of the transmission.

Authors of videos have an opportunity to project their personality to the viewer, and gain their trust by at least starting to form a personal impression, the start of a personal relationship which can be further developed.

Additionally videos are relatively easy and cheap to produce, and can be authored or made by more or less anyone, thus opening up a powerful means of communication to more or less anyone, whether tied to a large company or promoting their own small brand and unique products.

Repeated viewings of the same video can generate a high income for marketers.

Social Media Sites – Youtube

Youtube is the second most popular Social Media medium, after Facebook. Youtube is owned by Google, and Youtube rankings have a relation to Google rankings.

Youtube Screen Shot online video in marketing
Youtube Screen Shot

Videos can be posted on Youtube for no cost and on any subject at all subject to conformity with Youtube rules and regulations.

Links can be placed in the footnotes to Videos which relate to relevant websites or other information so that visitors can look at relevant content. This feature is very powerful because it means that traffic can be created onto a website from an apparently unconnected subject.

Viewers of videos can subscribe to follow video authors on whom they are keen, which is another way of perpetuating communication, without any cost.

Anyone can make a Youtube Channel on which they can post their videos on any subject whatsoever.

Videos can be liked or shared as well, and some videos go viral, which can have a very dramatic effect on traffic related to such videos.

Social Media Sites – Facebook

Facebook is the most widely used of all the Social Media, and is used by 11billion people worldwide?

Videos can be uploaded to Facebook and made available to interested groups of people, using the Facebook Live Video facility.

Facebook Live Video online video in marketing
Facebook Live Video

Alternatively, videos can be streamed live to interested groups of people, which can then be posted and viewed later by other interested people .

Social Media Sites – WhatsApp

WhatsApp allows the transmission of images from an individual´s mobile phone to another party, including photograph and video images.

WhatsApp image online video in maketing
WhatsApp image

Social Media Sites – Twitter

Tweets can be made of trending topics and can link to images and videos, which greatly increases the power of a tweet which is limited to 140 characters.

Twitter Home Screen online video in marketing
Twitter Home Screen

Social Media Sites – Instagram

Instagram is a site devoted mainly to images but it is also possible to upload videos.

Instagram Home Screen online video in marketing
Instagram Home Screen

Social Media Sites – Facetime

FaceTime allows communication by real time audio and video to users who have internet or wi-fi connection.

FaceTime Home Screen online video in marketing
FaceTime Home Screen

Video Embedded Onto Your Website

Videos can be embedded onto your website which is an added way to add interest to your website, A lot of information can be communicated to a viewer in a short period of time and in an attractive way including sound narrative and music as well as moving images.

WA How to Embed a Video in WordPress - online-video-in-marketing
WA How to Embed a Video in WordPress

You can learn how to embed a video on your own website by following the training at Wealthy Affiliate, which you can see our review at this post here.

 OMS Conclusion

Online Video In Marketing is a very popular and powerful medium, and can be posted on either Facebook (or streamed live) on Youtube or embedded into a website with ease.

online video in marketing
online video in marketing

From these platforms (especially on Facebook and Youtube), videos can be viewed by thousands if not millions of interested people. Some videos are extremely popular and are termed to have gone ´viral´.

You can use this to help to generate traffic to your website if you have one.

The interested potential customers and clients visiting the video wherever it is located, can choose whether they watch the video, or not at all, or any portion of the video. The visitor has control over whether and to what extent he is informed by the video. Dwell time on the video is a Key Performance Indicator.

OMS can provide you with professionally prepared animated videos similar to this example:

If you wish to receive a proposal for carrying out your video commission to professionally enhance your own companies products and services, then click here.









9 Replies to “OMS Review of Online Video In Marketing”

Kevin January 31, 2018 at 2:05 am

Great article on using videos. They are used everywhere like you have showed. I have used a few videos on my blog also. You Tube is definitely a great resource. I’ve put a few of my videos there as well as used some provided by the US Mint. I plan on using more videos in my articles in the future, if possible.


    admin January 31, 2018 at 10:59 am

    Hi Kevin, Thanks very much for your comment. I was reading yesterday that 80% of traffic will be video related. Good luck with yours! Alan


Ahmad Ballard February 23, 2018 at 1:58 pm

Hello Alan, thanks for sharing this informative blog with us. I am more of a visual learner than anything. I would learn better about a particular topic when I watch a video about it, than reading it on an article. People tend to learn better this way like you mentioned before. On my blogs, I like to share videos relating to the topic that I am talking about. I also plan to start my own YouTube account sometime in the near future as well. Thanks again for another great article!!! Keep up the awesome work, you are doing great.


John September 11, 2018 at 5:31 pm

When putting videos together with a blog on a site it does drive up the amount of traffic. The amount of time it takes to make a quality video is sometimes double or triple the time it takes to write a 1000 word post.
I think the video marketing is an overlooked area in the online industry. Where do you think posting your videos gets you the most bang for the buck.


    Alan James September 11, 2018 at 6:06 pm

    Hi John, Thank you very much for the time you took to comment and your query about videos. My understanding is that video is most effective on Youtube. Also if you do prepare a video yourself it is best to upload to Youtube, then embed in your blog. If you upload the video directly to your blog it severely slows the loading of the post. Does that correspond with your understanding? Alan


Anita September 19, 2018 at 8:05 pm

Video is something I was beginning to look at for my site (and for advertising on YouTube) before my life was turned upside down a few months ago. I have experience in video production, so it just makes sense for me to put those skills, though rusty, to use.

After reading your article, I am even more covinced that this should be one of my next big steps forward in my business.


    admin September 19, 2018 at 10:26 pm

    Hi Anita, Thanks for taking the time to comment. If you have video production skills it makes perfect sense to use them. Video will become more and more the norm I believe, Alan


Jason September 20, 2018 at 12:32 am

This appears to to be highly helpful, thx.


    admin September 20, 2018 at 7:28 am

    Thanks for dropping by Jason, Best Alan


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