Introduction – How To Build A Website Using WordPress With The Amazing Wealthy Affiliate
If you are a newcomer to the online marketing environment, you will be astounded to discover that you can personally learn how to build a website using WordPress within 30 seconds, with the Amazing Wealthy Affiliate, even if you have had no previous experience.
That Sounds Good – Tell Me How I Can Do It?
Wealthy Affiliate provides such an advanced and supportive computing environment that you can easily take advantage of this feature, even with their initial FREE membership. The FREE membership shows you how to build a website using WordPress and host up to 2 websites, using the Wealthy Affiliate´s own hosted platform, which is available to all its members.

Click on this Link to see a WA training video showing How To Build A Website In Under 30 seconds:
What is Included in Premium Membership?
Included within their PREMIUM membership of Wealthy Affiliate, members can host and build up to 25 sites on the SiteRubix platform as well as a further 25 sites which may be hosted on other domains.
What Can You Do With Standard (FREE) Membership?
As a Standard (FREE) member of Wealthy Affiliate you are able to sign in and access four of the seven features which are available to premium members, specifically:
- Site Manager
- Site Builder
- Site Domains
- Site Content
Site Manager is the gateway through which you can access your website, log in with a password and log out. It also gives an overview of the performance of the site, the site health, the status of active monitoring by Wealthy Affiliate.
Site Builder is the tool which enables you to construct your website, choose your domain and title your website, select a suitable theme (of which there are more than 2,700 designs available to Premium members) and develop the structure of your website.
Site Domains enables you to choose a domain registered at Wealthy Affiliate, or to choose a domain from another host, or to transfer your own domain from another host to Wealthy Affiliate.
Site Content enables you to learn how to build a website with WordPress software with which you can develop the content of your page or post and ensure that a visitor can navigate around your website. You can also choose which PlugIns to use to assist the functionality of your website.
Some PlugIns are available to Standard members free of charge and a much larger number of PlugIns is available to Premium members free of charge.
To Use The Following Features You Must Upgrade to Premium Membership
The other three features which are available to Premium members, but not to Standard (FREE) members are:
- Site Comments
- Site Feedback
- Site Support
Site Comments
This feature enables every Premium Member to seek comments on their posts an pages from their peers within the WA community.
Site Feedback
Site Feedback is possible also from all peers within the WA community
Site Support

The support within Wealthy Affiliate is truly amazing and can be sought through a number of forums:
- LiveChat is available 24/7/365 and relies on community members who are online at the time that support is being sought.
- Members Can also post their queries to the WA community as a whole and these will be answered within a relatively short period of time with a wide range of points of view.
- More experienced members of the community act as mentors to the less experienced.
Additionally, members can private message their followers or follow WA Ambassadors who have particular expertise in certain areas or specialisms.
Wealthy Affiliate has developed their technology and host sites for all their members as well as providing daily back-ups of all sites, so it is a very robust and reliable system, which is fully supported 24/7/365 days per annum.
WA Even Gives You Free Hosting!
Every new starter enters through the Site Manager and first has to choose if he wants to host his website on SiteRubix, (available to Standard members FREE) or if it will be hosted on his own domain (for Premium members).
Then the starter must choose a Domain name, which is usually related to their chosen market niche. The software will check if the required name is available or not, and the Domain name can be finalized. The title for the website is the Headline, which needs to be grammatically correct, related to the Domain Name which has been chosen.
The Site Content feature enables the new starter to build out the content of their website on the framework which has already been created by the Wealthy Affiliate software and computer systems.
OMS Conclusion And Recommendation
It is possible for anyone to learn How To Build A Website Using WordPress in under 30 seconds, using the Amazing Wealthy Affiliate.
See the image of the Wealthy Affiliate user dashboard below to see how simple it is to follow the instructions and set up the website quickly and easily, with no prior experience. The Wealthy Affiliate software system is truly amazing, it gives superb training and guidance!

Click on this Link to join Wealthy Affiliate as a FREE member and check out the training for How To Build A Website In Under 30 seconds:
Additionally Site Rubix allows the Premium Member to leverage the power of the Wealthy Affiliate members, ambassadors, and trainers by asking for comments, and feedback on their sites. They also have available 24/7/365 days support.
If you wish to see our review of Wealthy Affiliate Premium Membership click here.
4 Replies to “How To Build A Website Using WordPress With The Amazing Wealthy Affiliate!”
Melani Lukito December 8, 2017 at 2:50 pm
Hi. I just read your post. In my opinion it will be better if you add some pictures describe about WA features, such as the keyword tool, SiteContent, LiveChat, Jaaxy, etc.
FOONG WAN SENG April 2, 2021 at 3:18 am
I already had The register website ,How do I using back my website to link to WA programs?Thank you
admin April 5, 2021 at 10:32 am
Hi, Thank you for your question. You do not need to do anything in order to use the WA programs. You website can remain on its existing hosting. If you would like to, you can move your website onto WA hosting, but that may not necessarily be a good move, Alan
admin April 5, 2021 at 6:47 pm
Here is the link to the training Foong: